Thursday, December 28, 2006

Santa's Grotto

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The battens were hung in the boat with such care, In hopes that the sprayers soon would be there;

The builders were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Lorimar sailed in their heads.

When down at the workshops there arose such a clatter, they sprang from their beds to see what the matter.

Away to the window they flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The spray foamers are here they shouted with glee,

to make Lorimar warm and cozeeeeee!

In a flash they started with only one motto,
we're experts at turning your boat into a grotto.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lorimar.
The boat is certainly taking shape and your "Santa's Grotto" ode is excellent.
Look forward to seeing more pictures in the New Year.

Love and best wishes.
Mike, Sarah & Grace.

Del and Al said...

love the poem....watching your build with anticipation! Happy New Year!

Del & Al (NB Derwent6 in 2007)

Les Biggs said...

Hmmmm don`t like the internal decor. Are you sure it wouldn`t be better in oak veneer. Still if that`s what you like No it`s great to see the progress. You must be well chuffed.Just wait till it`s lined and the kitchen, bathroom etc takes shape and before you know it you`ll be filling it with all your bits and bobs.

Lorimar said...

Thanks Del & Al bet you can't wait until yours starts,
all the best for 2007
Mark & Lorain

Lorimar said...

Your'e right Les our first choice of interiors just has not worked out at all and are having a re-think we may have to go with an american light ash and see what that looks like can't look much worse than the first choice what do you think ???
All the best for 2007 buddy hope to catch up soon.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new narrowboat. I was just surfin' and happened upon your site.! Very interesting.I completed my own boat 50ft 2 yrs ago and have got the bug, enjoyed every minute of building it. Just starting another, a bit bigger at 57ft !

Best wishes

Martin Peers

clinton said...

Hi Mark
We had a chat when when we met you at Crick. What a great boat you have, thanks for taking the time to talk to us, your story as to what made you throw in the rat race has given us a lot to think about, good luck to you both and once more what a great boat
Best wishes
clinton and sharon