Well I was planning to fill in the updates as soon as the weekend was over,
and we had visited the builders !!!!!
but it's been so hectic I don't know where to start,
"at the beginning Lad" I can hear my Dad screaming.
Well all went to plan and we took time away on Friday to start visiting the builders and we met some terrific people but one builder stood out among the rest,
http://heartwoodnarrowboats.co.uk/index.htm if only because the enthusiasm and love for narrowboat building that was written all over his face,
We met his wife Maria and his son Ian both playing an active role in the business, all the time we chatted we felt like we had met them years ago and felt so at ease discussing our idea's.
After a visit to there workshop to see the build now taking place NB Tragara, it was off to meet a couple that owned NB Plan-B, the narrowboat Paul, Maria and Ian had built for this years Crick show, what a lovely couple Peter & Diane who invited us to look around it was lovely inside and Peter & Diane so accommodating, anyway after that it was getting late so we all decided we had better find somewhere to eat and drink of course!!
More discussions about layout, spec and price followed and we both agreed this has got to be the builder for us.
Paul luckily has a build slot after the boat they are building now so it fits in with our plans perfect.
Now the other news was about the house now you will see why so hectic,
while away we received a call from the estate agent "is it possible for some one to view the house to-morrow.
Doh! so now the rush back home and sort the house out but it was worth it, the same afternoon after the viewing the estate agent rang and said good news the chap wants to buy the house and we are preparing the paperwork now.
So now you can see what I mean when I said it had been a bit hectic I feel like another day off just to get over the weekend but no chance of that. LOL